I am watching Naruto and I am currently on episode 164. How many episodes of Shippuden do they have dubbed, and are they still dubbing it?
3 Answers
Naruto english dubbed episode 27 Part 1/2: naruto english dubbed episode 27 Part 2/2: Related Videos Naruto shippuden movie 1, no copy right intended, all credits go to original creator. Kenny g songbird mp3 download.
Season 25 of Naruto Shippuden was released in January 2016 according to Viz Media's release calendar.
Also, the Naruto Shippuden Wikipedia has a list of the completed English dubbed episodes ending at episode 322. Episodes after 332 are still TBA.
Naruto Shippuden Episode 261 English Dubbed Hd
- For region 1 (North America), 486 out of 500 episodes have been dubbed as of March 26, 2019. The last volume consisting of episodes 487-500 will be released on June 11, 2019.
- For region 2 (UK), 472 out of 500 episodes have been dubbed as of February 11, 2019.
- For region 4 (Australia/New Zealand), 472 out of 500 episodes have been dubbed as of March 6, 2019.
Source: Wikipedia.
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Naruto Shippuden English Dubbed Hd
As of may 21 there are 335 episodes of Naruto shippuden that have been dubbed. Many more episodes are still being made and many episodes are still being dubbed so we wont run out of Naruto content soon.
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Best place to watch Naruto Shippuden online?
I recently started watching naruto shippuden and got to the end of the dubbed episodes (or a little passed it, I'm on episode 307), which meant that I must move on to the subbed episodes. I've watched some of the subbed episodes on crunchyroll but the quality isn't that great unless I get a premium membership. I tried sites with HD video like kissanime but i didn't really like the translations they used. I got very used to and enjoy the dialogue in the dubbed ones and wanted to know the best site to watch subbed episodes with similar language to the dubbed ones (for example, on kissanime, they say konoha instead of hidden leaf) but with that oh so great 720p quality. So please, any suggestions are greatly appreciated.